LastPass - Password Manager

Financial Security

“LastPass is a well known and trusted password management system. It provides family plans, and can help ensure not only your data security, but also the security of your family.” - Neil Kendall OAM

LastPass offers a number of packages, a family account with up to six licenses is $6 per month, which we think is pretty cheap for that level of security. It is however important to note that if you lose the master password neither you nor LastPass will be able to access your passwords. LastPass does not have access to your passwords and won't be able to help if that master password is lost.

Another thing that LastPass does is called dark web monitoring. It looks at the less legal parts of the internet where things like usernames and passwords are for sale. Using this search feature LastPass can let their customers know if their passwords and information are being accessed or sold.

Password managers help you to stay safe online. They also help you use a range of diverse passwords for safety because you don’t have to remember them all. Some of the most common cybersecurity problems involve people using the same password for everything because they cannot remember all their passwords. A problem easily fixed with a password manager.

Stay aware of your cybersecurity and stay safe online.

For information on how to set up and use a LastPass account and protect your information Click Here


Established in 1970, Tupicoffs is the most respected independent financial planning practice in Australia.


1Password - Password Manager