Why Choose An Independent Financial Planner?
Independent Financial Advice is all about the client. It’s not about the financial products, or the services.
It’s about you. Like it should be.
For discerning families that want to ensure there are no conflicts or biases in the advice they receive, an Independent Financial Adviser is the obvious choice. It's great to know that the advice you are receiving is always going to be in your best interests, and cannot swayed from your best interests by commissions paid to your Financial Adviser.
In financial planning, the term 'independent" cannot be used lightly. "Independent" is a controlled term under the Corporations Law. Only financial advisers who can meet a rigorous set of standards set out under Section 923A of the Corporations Act can describe themselves as independent or unbiased.
Anyone who receives any form of commission or sales incentive cannot call themselves independent. Similarly if ownership or control exists with a financial product provider then the term independent cannot be used. There are only a very small number of financial planners or financial advisers in Australia who meet the definition of independent.
Tupicoffs Managing Director Neil Kendall believes in providing financial advice that he would be happy to receive himself. That means always independent and always client driven. No commissions and no third party interests in the process. As a result of this Tupicoffs maintains its own Declaration of Independence signed by all of our financial planners and confirm annually that they meet all of the criteria required for them to use the term independent.
When choosing a Financial Adviser, always ensure they have committed to Independence and confirm they meet all the criteria to be called independent. Financial advice should be about you and your goals, and the easiest way to confirm that is when you know your advice is independent.