Achieving the Retirement Dream

You’ve worked hard your whole life, the kids have left home and are raising their own families.

It’s your time to celebrate YOU.

Retirement can often be a difficult transition time when days are no longer ruled by work commitments and family obligations. It’s a time when people can redefine themselves and invest in hobbies and passions they may have always wanted to try. It’s a period where time is on your side. There are so many choices on how people can spend their retirement years.

When we see clients preparing for retirement, we discuss how they see themselves spending that extra time, and we establish what needs to happen so they can enjoy the retirement of their dreams.

Here are some of the things our clients are looking forward to;

Financial Planner Brisbane

Financial Freedom

Leaving behind the daily commute, and the financial stress of work is something we all want to do, at some point. Tupicoffs’ clients are fairly unanimous, when they’re done working, they’re done working. The last thing anyone wants is to be stressing about money instead of enjoying their hard earned relaxation years.

Our clients' goals, and our advice for them when retirement planning, often strongly feature the ability to simply do what they want, when they want.

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Many of our clients have plans to travel overseas in future years, these could be solo trips, or with the whole family. International adventures, or simply the many domestic locations around Australia. Our clients love all kinds of travel, and we work hard to make sure they can set off on their adventures without any financial concerns.

Being a grey nomad is also a great time to spend with friends, go on adventures, and even meet new people with similar interests.

Retirement Planning

Family Time

Time with loved ones is always precious. Going into retirement people want to be closer with their families and friends. A lot of people feel like their working life, and their work commitments, took up valuable time with their families.

We advocate fairly strongly for our clients in all phases of their lives to shed some of their financial stress. We believe spending more time with the people we worked so hard for, is good for everyone.


Some of our clients, at the end of their working lives, simply want to bring some joy to others.

It’s a wonderful thing to be free of the compulsory nature of work. But, part of the reason our clients are so successful, is they have such a strong work ethic.

Without the standard 9 - 5 working day a lot of them take on volunteer work for the sense of purpose and the ability to help people around them.

New Hobbies and Skills

Sometimes work commitments get in the way of trying new things. Retirement often helps people find time to try something new. A spare 8 hours a day to commit to whatever takes your fancy. We understand why our clients are so keen.

From pottery to woodworking, painting to glassblowing, or even bungie jumping to sky diving. Our clients are ready for a new hobby and we are ready to manage their finances so they have time to take up two.

We find that retirement planning helps our clients stay focussed on their financial goals. The role of a financial adviser for us, is to take client goals and then help clients see them through to success. For some clients this is investment advice, for others retirement advice, for others superannuation advice and SMSF advice. Whatever our clients need, we do our best to provide it.

With that in mind, all of our plans and advice are considered from both a long-term and a short-term point of view. There's no point in planning for retirement if the advice you receive isn’t implementable now.

Our clients’ retirement dreams are all different and so is the advice they receive. We are always happy to help provide a successful wealth management plan, regardless of whether retirement is in 1 year, 5 years, or 20 years.

As a special bonus, sometimes our clients bring us fantastic ideas for their retirement. From holiday destinations we’ve never heard of, to hobbies we didn’t know existed, and a love for their families and communities that is brilliant to see.

The benefit of helping so many people plan their retirement isn’t just helping them succeed. You also get to keep a list of the best ideas for when it’s your turn. 


Established in 1970, Tupicoffs is the most respected independent financial planning practice in Australia.


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